+CO3SO Urban Employment (GAL)

+Co3So Emprego Urbano (Gal) 1

Project designation | +CO3SO Urban Employment (GAL)
Project code | NORTH-07-4740-FSE-002468

Main objective | social inclusion and poverty

Intervention region | North

Beneficiary entity | NEWALLIANCE - IT SOLUTIONS, LDA

Approval date | 27-04-2021

Start date | 07-19-2021
Completion date | 19-07-2024

Total eligible cost | 222 740.00 EUR

European Union financial support | ESF – 136 839.78 EUR

The overall objective of this project is to empower Portuguese SMEs with new tools, processes and more digital procedures in order to enhance their digital transformation and increase their competitiveness, placing Portugal in line with the OECD's innovation metrics.

In this sense, NewAlliance IT assumes the role of a service provider that allows to boost companies' innovation aspirations through a business model adapted to them – transforming capital costs into operating costs.

This basis in our business model allows, for example, that a microenterprise, looking for services to create internal business applications, can have access to technology without worrying about advancing with a high value award, so as not to compromise the your finances.